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[企业动态] 安诺优达和Illumina正式宣布合作 共同开发NGS生育健康诊断平台

发表于 2015-6-10 19:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Illumina高级副总裁、生育与遗传健康事业部总经理Tristan Orpin表示:“Illumina很高兴与安诺优达合作,从而更好地为中国市场提供生育健康方面的解决方案。我们的愿景是通过诠释基因组来改善人类健康,我们一直致力于与拥有同样愿景的中国公司合作。”
Illumina 致力于通过诠释基因组来改善人类健康。基于其测序技术的持续创新,Illumina 成为全球DNA测序和生物芯片技术领域的行业领袖,为科研、临床和应用市场提供服务,产品涵盖生命科学、肿瘤学、生育健康、农业和其他新兴领域。更多详情见:www.illumina.com 并请关注@illumina。
Annoroad and Illumina to Co-Develop NGS Diagnostic System for
Reproductive Health
BEIJING and SAN DIEGO—June10, 2015-- Annoroad and Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ: ILMN) today announced they have entered into an agreement to jointly develop advanced clinical applications for reproductive health based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. The collaboration signals the increasing importance of genomic applications to improve healthcare in China.
In recent years, NGS technology has evolved rapidly and is regarded as an essential factor for enabling precision medicine. The collaboration between Annoroad and Illumina will focus on providing the most advanced and integrated sequencing solutions to the clinical market. In particular, the two companies will work together to develop a user-friendly, prenatal DNA diagnostic system for the Chinese market.
The collaboration will bring together technology from Illumina sequencers with Annoroad’s advanced clinical application development capabilities. As part of the agreement, Annoroad will provide its nucleic acid extraction, library preparation, and data analysis software, while Illumina will provide NGS instrument components and related reagents.
"We have been working to promote the clinical application of genomic technology in China. Non-invasive prenatal testing is used widely in the reproductive health arena, and we hope to promote it as a standard practice in hospitals. As one of the first national clinical pilot sites forNGS appointed by the National Health and Family Planning Commission (formerly the Ministry of Health), Annoroad is now very pleased to partner with Illumina, the global leader in sequencing and array technologies. Cooperation between our two companies will provide additional high-quality diagnostic solutions in the field of reproductive health," said Junbin Liang, Annoroad Founder and Chief Executive Officer.
“Illumina is very excited to collaborate with Annoroad to increase access to reproductive health solutions in China,” said Tristan Orpin, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Illumina’s Reproductive and Genetic Health business. “We are committed to partnering with Chinese companies who share our vision of improving human health by unlocking the power of the genome.”
About Annoroad
Annoroad is headquartered in Beijing, China and is a well-known enterprise in the genomic industry in China. The company is committed to providing cutting edge genomic solutions in both clinical testing and life science research. Annoroad was entitled as the National High Innovative Technology Enterprise, and charted as the national clinical pilot site of NGS in Chinagiven its major position in the domestic market and next-gen sequencing technology. Annoroad has developed serials of NGS diagnostic applications in the field ofhuman reproduction, cancer, and rare diseases, forming the excellent product system and market brand. In the field of science and technology service,Annoroad provides state-of-the-art sequencing and bioinformatics solutions for research organizations under its sub-brand.
About Illumina
Illumina is improving human health by unlocking the power of the genome.  Our focus on innovation has established us as the global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, serving customers in the research, clinical and applied markets.  Our products are used for applications in the life sciences, oncology, reproductive health, agriculture and otheremerging segments. To learn more, visit www.illumina.com and follow @illumina.



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