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[企业动态] 贝瑞和康与Illumina为CFDA获批 共同开发集成NGS系统

发表于 2014-7-22 09:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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贝瑞和康与Illumina为CFDA获批 共同开发集成NGS系统
北京时间2014年7月22日,北京贝瑞和康生物技术有限公司与美国Illumina公司(NASDAQ: ILMN)在中国北京和美国圣迭戈同时宣布进行合作,选择使用Illumina领先的新一代基因测序技术作为贝瑞和康向中国食品药品监督管理局(CFDA)提交临床检测项目的注册申请的核心技术平台,在中国提供以高通量测序技术为基础的临床检测业务。


这套全新的系统由两大部分组成。第一部分是贝瑞和康的贝比安TM无创DNA产前检测,由文库构建试剂盒、数据管理及分析系统组成;第二部分是全新的NextSeqTM CN500测序仪。贝比安TM检测运用独有的PCR-free文库构建技术和RUPATM快速分析系统,其性能已经得到超过20万例临床样本的检测验证。


“贝瑞和康是中国无创DNA产前检测的领导者之一,Illumina公司对此次合作感到非常荣幸,将致力于支持贝瑞和康生产符合中国CFDA监管要求的高通量基因测序仪。” Illumina高级副总裁,体外诊断业务部主管Greg Heath说。“这一合作协议的签署,也体现了Illumina对于包括中国在内的全世界体外诊断公司的承诺,Illumina愿意与大家合作共同开发基于高通量基因测序技术的体外诊断新方法,并推进其商业化进程。”



BEIJING, CHINA and SAN DIEGO, CA, USA – July 21, 2014 –Berry Genomics Co. Ltd. announced today it has chosen IlluminaInc’s.(NASDAQ: ILMN)next generation sequencing (NGS) technology as the platform on which Berry will secure Chinese Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) regulatory approval for clinical applications, thereby expanding access to NGS-based tests in China.

Under the agreement, the companies co-developed an NGS system to provide a cost-effective, easy-to-use assay for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). A working version of the new assay and instrument system has been validated in clinical settings in China, and is in late stage review under the CFDA’s medical device registration process.

The new system integrates Berry Genomics’ BambniTM assay, which includes a library preparation kit, analysis software, and a sequencing instrument based on Illumina’s NextSeqTM 500 Sequencing System. Berry’s proprietary BambniTM assay, which has been validated on more than 200,000 samples, utilizes a unique PCR-free library prep technology and the proprietary RUPATM analysis software.

“There are two million high-risk and advanced maternal age pregnancies a year in China, which is about three times the size of the U.S. market. We need to ensure we are addressing women’s needs by offering a safe and proven technology. As the first and only company with a U.S. FDA cleared next-generation sequencing instrument, Illumina is an ideal collaboration partner given their experience,” said Daixing Zhou, CEO of Berry Genomics.

“Berry is one of the leading providers of NIPT in China, and Illumina is excited to collaborate with them to customize the NextSeq under CFDA requirements,”said Greg Heath, Senior Vice President, IVD Development at Illumina. “This agreement is an example of our commitment to working with clinical companies in China and worldwide who want to develop and commercialize in vitro diagnostics based on next-generation sequencing.”

About Berry Genomics
Berry Genomics (www.berrygenomics.com) is a leading biotech company in China which develops and commercializes next generation sequencing based integrated solutions for clinical applications, primarily in genetic testing and oncology testing. Berry Genomics pioneered non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in China and is the leading provider of NIPT in China. Like NIPT, the products and technologies under development at Berry Genomics will address unmet needs of other genetic diseases and cancer.

About Illumina
Illumina (www.illumina.com) is a leading developer, manufacturer, and marketer of life science tools and integrated systems for the analysis of genetic variation and function. We provide innovative sequencing and array-based solutions for genotyping, copy number variation analysis, methylation studies, gene expression profiling, and low-multiplex analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein. We also provide tools and services that are fueling advances in consumer genomics and diagnostics. Illumina’s technology and products accelerate genetic analysis research and its application, paving the way for molecular medicine and ultimately transforming healthcare.


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