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[企业动态] 强生有意恢复其医疗设备和诊断部门增长

发表于 2014-5-24 06:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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强生在一份声明中称,该公司在中国市场的存在已有28年历史,目前正利用所建立的足迹扩大和增长整体业务。中国有全球四分之一的糖尿病患者,该公司在中国的糖尿病业务位列前茅。目前,强生已与Nova Biomedical公司签署了独家设备制造协议,向中国的医院销售血糖监测系统。而在俄罗斯,该公司视力保健单元也正在开发新的业务模式。



(Reuters) - Johnson & Johnson said on Thursday it planned to file for approvals of more than 30 major products by the end of 2016 as the diversified healthcare company looks to restore growth to a medical device and diagnostics division that has been overshadowed by its drugs business in recent years.

The company, prior to a review of the division for analysts and investors, said its recently launched products and extensive pipeline position it for continued growth.

J&J also said it would expand business with a significant focus on fast-growing emerging markets, particularly China and Russia.

"Building on our 28 year history in China, we are capitalizing on our established footprint to grow and expand our overall business," Chief Financial Officer Dominic Caruso said in a statement. J&J said it has the number one diabetes business in China, with a population that includes a quarter of the world's diabetics. The company said it has signed an exclusive equipment manufacturing agreement with Nova Biomedical Corp to sell blood glucose testing systems to hospitals in China.

In Russia, the company said its vision care unit is developing new business models focusing on both eye care professionals and consumers.

The company is hoping to jumpstart growth in the device and diagnostics business that saw flat first-quarter sales of $7.06 billion. J&J's pharmaceuticals division by comparison grew nearly 11 percent in the first quarter with new drugs for cancer, hepatitis C and to prevent blood clots leading the way.

J&J announced that its DePuy Synthes orthopedics unit was launching new products, including a shoulder repair system and a hip replacement system designed to preserve bone. In recent years the unit had been plagued by major recalls and law suits involving some of its older hip replacements.

The medical device and diagnostic division posted 2013 sales of $28.5 billion representing about 40 percent of the company's total business.

J&J shares were off about a half a percent at $100.51 in pre-market trading from their Wednesday New York Stock Exchange close at $101.14.


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