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[分享] 科学家造出史上最小发光二极管,该发光二极管有何优点?

发表于 2024-12-9 22:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-12-9 22:11 | 显示全部楼层






英文版:Singaporean scientists have created the smallest light-emitting diode (LED). What is the practical value of this invention?

Scientists from the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology have developed the world's smallest light-emitting diode (LED), with an area of less than 0.14 square microns. What is the practical value of this invention?
Making more delicate phone screens.

Readers who have followed Xiaomi phones have certainly heard of the concept of "retina screens" proposed by Xiaomi. The retina screen means a high-resolution screen with a resolution exceeding the human eye's recognition limit. The pixel density can reach 326 pixels/inch (ppi). To achieve a retina screen, the LEDs inside the phone screen must be extremely small, exceeding the limit pixel size recognized by the retina. Such phone screens look very delicate. Achieving this effect requires micro-LED technology.
The LED in Xiaomi's retina screen is sized at 2,777,777.78 square microns. The new ultra-small light-emitting diode invented by Singapore scientists has a size of only 0.14 square microns, about one-twenty millionth of the pixel size on Xiaomi's retina screen. If this LED is applied to a phone screen, the visual effect produced would be indistinguishable from reality to the naked eye. Due to its tiny size, such phone screens can express almost all colors, and their color effects exceed those of film. Moreover, this kind of LED has high luminous efficiency and power-saving features, which can further reduce the phone's screen power consumption.
Applied to virtual reality glasses.

In wearable devices, due to the close distance between the human eye and the screen, and the magnifying effect of the lens in virtual display glasses, the screen will have a strong sense of pixelation. If this micro-LED is made into a screen and applied to wearable devices, the human eye will not see any LED pixels. Virtual reality images will be more lifelike, and users will have a feeling of being on the scene.
Some readers may have seen the TV drama adaptation of "The Three-body Problem" by Liu Cixin. In the drama, the protagonist enters the Three-body game using wearable devices and feels like he is on the scene. Currently available wearable devices on the market cannot achieve this effect, but with the new micro-LED technology, this effect can now be realized.
More application scenarios.

Highly efficient micro-LEDs will be used in high-speed computing and data transfer. For example, in data centers or cloud-based applications, micro-LEDs will help achieve faster data transfer and more efficient information processing. Due to their high brightness and intensity, micro-LEDs also have enormous potential in medical laser surgery and other fields. By using this type of LED, we can produce higher-resolution electron microscopes as well.
Scientists from the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology have successfully developed extremely small light-emitting diodes that will have a wide range of future applications. With continuous technological advancement, we believe that micro-LEDs will find broader applications in the market and bring us a new era of convenient, energy-efficient, and intelligent technology experiences.
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