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[分享] 微流控的应用范围及应用范例(一)

发表于 2025-1-25 05:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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l 微小的容量(纳升,皮升级别)
l 微小的体积
l 低能量的消耗
l 装置本身专用体积小
l 一般单细胞研究包括生长
l 细胞衰老:诸如“母机”之类的微流体装置允许跟踪数千个单个细胞数代,知道它们死亡
l 微环境控制:从机械环境到化学环境
l 通过在当个设备中引入多个化学输入来确定精确的时空浓度梯度


  • 基于微流控等温扩增技术的甲型H1N1流感病毒快速检测

Schematic illustration of the strategy used to detect multiple respiratory viruses with a LAMP-integrated microfluidic chip system formultiplexed respiratory virus assays (LMCS-MRVAs).

The measurement system that we developed was hand-held, with a size of 41 × 31× 12 cm and a weight of 2.7 kg. The schematic drawing of the measurement system is shown in Fig. S1.‡ The instrument was mainly composed of the heating module, the detection module, the control and processing display module and the outer cover. The heating module consists of a heating film and a heating machine. The detection module is composed of a high-definition camera, a light source and a fixed structure. The control and processing display module is composed of a circuit board, an ARM board and a screen. The instrument used a double-row array of white LEDs as the light source and the detector was a high-definition color camera. During the LAMP, the RGB color values in each reaction microchamber were obtained by an image recognition algorithm, and the blue component was taken as the real-time curve value to draw the real-time LAMP curve. The time required for the real-time LAMP signal to exceed the threshold signal was used for quantitation, similar to the threshold cycle number (Ct) in real-time PCR. Based on the experimental results, the negative signal intensity was less than 5, so the positive signal intensity was set to 15, i.e., three times the signal-to-noise ratio. To define the start time of amplification, we drew a straight line parallel to the abscissa with a signal value of 15 on the ordinate, and added a perpendicular line from the abscissa with the point intersecting the amplification curve. The intersection with the abscissa represented the amplification start time. With this detection system, the eight-channel microfluidic chip was disposable, and the realtime detection instrument can be reused.

Fig. S1. The schematic drawing of the measurement instrument, A represent internal structure ofthe instrument, B represent external structure of the instrument, and C represent the detectioninstrument.

The developed microfluidic chip, real-time detection instrument,and representative real-time amplification curves. (A) Photographof a microfluidic chip. (B) Real-time detection instrument. (C)Real-time amplification curves.

Fig. S2. Colorimetric change of microfluidic chip after reaction. (A) The whole microfluidic chipbefore the reaction. (B) Magnification of the eight microchambers before the reaction. (C) The whole microfluidic chip after the reaction. (D) Magnification of eight microchambers aft

芯片设计:The chip was produced using an internal injection-molding method using polycarbonate. The microfluidic chip contained eight independent reaction microchambers (2 × 1 × 1 mm), with a corresponding reaction volume of approximately 2 μl. The microchip microchannels had a width of about 500 μm and a depth of 200 μm, and flowed through the injection hole, microchambers, and connecting channel. The microfluidic chip was sealed with a polymer film with a thickness of 200 μm, which could be appropriately pressurized to ensure that the chip was sealed with no bubbles. After the nucleic acids were extracted from the samples, the nucleic acids were mixed with reaction solution, and the mixture was added to the microchambers of the microfluidic chip using a micropipette. Each solution was then diverted into the eight microchambers along the different channels and sealed with a film to ensure that the LAMP was carried out within a sealed chip. As LAMP proceeded, the color of the reaction system gradually changed from violet to sky blue, and the detection instrument developed in this study drew a real-time amplification curve based on the colorimetric change.
芯片操作流程:LAMP-integrated microfluidic chip system. All the solutions were prepared using ultrapure DNase/RNase-free distilled water. With each respiratory virus, the LAMP primers were used at a concentration of 1.6 μM each for FIP and BIP, 0.2 μM each for F3 and B3, and 0.8 μM each for LF and LB. Random primers were used as a negative control. Each corresponding LAMP primer mixture and negative control were embedded in the eight different microchambers of the microfluidic chip in advance (1: H1N1 primers, 2: H3N2 primers, 3: H5N1 primers, 4: H7N9 primers, 5: FluB primers, 6: HAdV primers, 7: HAdV primers, and 8: negative control) and then dried before sealing. Seventy microliters of the whole reaction system contained 5 μl of the nucleic acid sample to be tested extracted with the homemade magnetic beads. The reaction mixture also included 7.5 μl ThermoPol buffer, 4.5 μl MgSO4 (120 mM), 10.5 μl dNTPs (10 mM), 3 μl AMV reverse transcriptase (1000 units), 4 μl betaine (250 mM), 1 μl HNB (20 mM), 3 μl Bst 2.0 WarmStart® DNA polymerase (8000 units), and 31.5 μl DNase/RNase-free distilled water. The reaction system was mixed and injected into the injection hole of the chip to the separate microchambers through the eight microchannels. Then, the injection port and channels were resealed. Finally, the chips were inserted into the detection instrument. The reaction temperature was preset to 65 °C for 60 min for isothermal amplification and 80 °C for 10 min to terminate the reaction. HNB served as a metal ion indicator in the system. Initially, Mg2+ binding to HNB caused the color of the reaction system to be violet. As the reaction proceeded, Mg2+ reacted with precipitated pyrophosphate ions to form the magnesium pyrophosphate precipitate, such that HNB lost the bound Mg2+, making the system color become sky blue (Fig. S2‡). In the absence of LAMP, the system maintained a violet color. In order to reduce the influence of bubbles on the LAMP, we treated the reagents with an ultrasonic procedure before amplification, and compared every microchamber with the negative control microchamber to give the amplification curve. Moreover, we used the developed LMCS-MRVA system to detect those six kinds of respiratory virus, and used the gel electrophoresis assay to compare the detection results (Fig. S3‡).
结果:所建立的检测方法可实现扩增结果的荧光实时判读,能在恒定温度(65℃)30min内完成扩增反应,检测限可达10 copies/微升,仅对甲型H1N1流感病毒产生扩增曲线,对甲型H3、H5、H7、H9及乙型流感病毒均无扩增;对70份临床样本的检测结果与荧光定量PCR方法一致,特异性和灵敏度均为100%;该方法具有体系封闭、污染小、试剂用量小的优势。


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