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[企业动态] 东软新一轮股权激励计划启动 New Launched Stock Ownership Incentive By Neusoft

发表于 2015-8-2 23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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At present, Neusoft Group Co., Ltd.(600718. SH) published the Restricted Stock Incentive Plan and announced that the company will award its employees restricted stock. Meanwhile, Neusoft Holding Group and Alpine China published the Simple Statement of Changes in Equity separately which disclosed that Neusoft will purchase part of Neusoft` s stock rights holding by Alpine China. That means Neusoft will launch a new stock ownership incentive plan formally facing to management layer and core staff through stock incentive method. Because of Neusoft Holding Co. with participation of its management layer whom increased its stock indicate that Neusoft` s coremanagement will attach the importance to the integrated development.


According to disclosure of Restricted Stock Incentive Plan, Neusoft planned to award 16 million restricted shares to its directors, senior managers, normal managers and core technical or sales staff which occupied 1.30% from the total stock of 1,227,594,245 shares less that 10%. The first awarded restricted stock is 15.85 million occupied 93.8% in the total amount of restricted stock for this time, and occupied 1.22% in the total stock of the company.


Additionally, disclosing by Simple Statement of Changes in Equity, Alpine China and Neusoft Holding Co. has signed the Equity Transferring Agreement in July 29th, 2015, Alpine will transfer 61,500,000 shares Neusofte` s stock with ¥17.34 per stock which occupied 5.0098% to the total stock of the Group. After the equities alteration, the Neusoft Group` s shares held by Alpine China and Alpine Kabuskiki Kaisha is 129,820,691 shares occupied 10.5752% in total shares. Neusoft held 61,500,000 shares by themselves occupied 5.0098% in total shares.


As the first listed software enterprise, Neusoft developed with the aid of capital market and encouraged its staff 4 times through the way of ESOP, stock rights incentive and share option achieved mutual development for both company and staff. It is reported that Neusoft started to do the joint stock system reform in 1992, and in 2008, the Group went public. The shares held by Neusoft` s staff of Shenyang Huixu Company has over 90 million occupied 17.17% in total stock. The total price exceeded¥ 2.7 billion yuan according to former price.


Today Neusoft is in the new strategy transition period, it anticipated to achieve the target of incentive and stability, control force and executive force for senior layer through the way of stock incentive and share acquistion.


According to the disclosure, there are 406 staff was awarded by the Group with price of ¥9 per share. The related procedure of first awarding, registration and announcement for restricted stock will be finished within 30 days after the meeting of shareholders deliberated and approved the Incentive Plan. The expire date starts from the 1st awarding day and terminates to the day of when restricted stock unlocked and repurchased logout to the incentive objects, which is less than 4 years in the longest period.



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