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[精准医疗] ESMO│精准医疗词汇表

发表于 2018-1-5 22:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2017年11月13日,欧洲肿瘤学学会(ESMO)发布了第一版精准医疗词汇表。“精准医学是一个新领域,相关术语是在缺乏定义的情况下发展出来的”,共同作者之一的Fabrice André(法国Gustave Roussy研究所)解释到,“这种尴尬局面已经开始产生一些困惑,特别是在科学文献的报道中,因为同样的词汇会根据用的人不同而有不同的含义”。




Rajesh Chopra(伦敦癌症研究所)表示欢迎这份词汇表。“特定术语的标准化非常有用;这份词汇表朝着正确方向迈出了一大步”。但是,他也警告不能把每个定义视作不可变的。词汇表应该周期性修改,并在数年之后有所增补。“如果我们想把这个领域推动向前,我们必须写下相关术语的定义”,André总结到,“医学科学绝不是一个口头传统可以主导的领域”。



Mechanisms of decision


Precision medicine(preferred term)/ Personalised medcine

A healthcare approach with the primary aim of identifying which interventions are likely to be of most benefit to which patients based upon the features of the individual and their disease. In cancer, the term usually refers to the use of therapeutics that are expected to confer benefit to a subset of patients whose cancer displays specific molecular or cellular features (most commonly genomic changes and gene or protein expression patterns). Nevertheless, the term also includes the use of prognostic markers, predictors of toxicities and any parameter such as environmental and lifestyle factors that leads to treatment tailoring. Characterisation approaches in the future are expected to encompass a wider range of technologies such as functional imaging.



A component of precision medicine—the study of how genomic variation within the individual or their disease (including gene expression, epigenetics, germline and somaticmutations) influences his/her response to drugs. In pharmacogenomics genomic variation is correlated with pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. The aim of pharmacogenomics is to optimise drug therapy by maximising therapeutic effect and minimising adverse effects.


Stratified medicine

The use of a molecular assay to define subpopulations, rather than individuals, who are likely to benefit from a treatment intervention.


Molecular tumour board

A molecular tumour board is a specific type of multidisciplinary tumour board. In common with a classical multidisciplinary board it aims at providing clinical recommendations. A molecular tumour board, however, deals not only with the classical radiological, clinical and standard biological data of the patient, but also with modern molecular diagnostic tests. Its composition therefore goes beyond that of multidisciplinary boards, encompassing molecular biologists, geneticists and bioinformaticians.



Mutation/genomic mutation

A permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that may be somatic (acquired during an individual’s lifetime) or germline (inherited). Alterations encompass point mutations, structural variants and copy number changes (all described below).


Cancer gene

Cancer genes are mutated forms of normal cell genes that through mutation can promote cancer development and progression. Cancer genes are broadly separated into oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes. Oncogenes promote cellular proliferation through either an increase in gene expression or through mutations that result in an increase in oncogene encoded protein activity. In contrast, tumour suppressor genes act to oppose the processes that can drive cancer progression, such as cellular proliferation therefore, it is reduced expression or inactivation of the tumour suppressor gene protein product that contributes to carcinogenesis. By definition, cancer genes are under positive selection in a tumour and the statistical analysis of selection in genomic sequences from over 7000 cancers has identified around 200 cancer genes, but it is predicted that many more remain to be discovered.


Driver mutation

A genomic mutation that falls within a cancer gene (or its regulatory regions) and, by altering the cancer gene’s function or activity, provides a critical role in the development and/or maintenance of the tumourmalignant phenotype, including cancer initiation, progression, maintenance or growth. An individual tumour may have several driver mutations. Recent estimates indicate that the average cancer has around 4 driver mutations but this varies between cancer types, ranging from one in thyroid and testicular cancers to more than 10 in endometrial and colorectal cancers


Passenger mutation

A somatic mutation within either a coding or non-coding region of the genome that does not confer a selective growth advantage under a given set of selective pressures. Notably, this is an emerging field and some variants currently considered to be passengermutations might be classified as driver mutations in the future when larger numbers of cancers are analysed or more functional data is available. Hundreds to thousands of passenger mutations are seen in most cancers and can reveal the processes underlying tumour aetiology and evolution. Passenger mutations are also seen in all normal cells and reflect exposure to intrinsic and extrinsic processes.


Oncogene addiction

Cancer cells harbour many genetic alterations and some of these occur in genes that are known to drive tumourigenesis (e.g. the BCR–ABL fusion gene in chronic myeloid leukaemia). The term oncogene addiction is used when a tumour becomes dependent on the expression and function of these driver genes and its ablation negatively impacts tumour maintenance and progression.


Pathogenic variant

A mutation that may be inherited (germline) or acquired (somatic) and predisposes an individual to a specific disease. Pathogenic variants may not be fully penetrant, i.e. the individual may not display the disease trait. For example, a female with a germline BRCA1 mutation has an 80% risk of developing breast cancer in her lifetime.


Deleterious variant

In cancer this is used to describe a mutation that falls within a cancer gene and is predicted to inactivate or impair the encoded protein’s function.


Targetable genomic alteration/druggable genomic alteration.

A genomic alteration that encodes an altered protein against which a drug exists or can be synthesised (for example, most kinases are targetable).


Actionable genomic alteration

Includes both targetable alterations and genomic alterations that cannot be directly targeted but that lead to dysregulation of a pathway in which there are possible targets (for example, alterations of the PTEN tumour suppressor gene can be targeted with PI3K/AKT inhibitors).


Point mutation

Focal mutations in genomic DNA including single or double nucleotide substitutions.


Insertion/deletion mutations

Insertions and deletions of (referred to as ‘indels’) that are typically small (1–5 bp) and less frequently medium, from 100 bp up to 30 kb or long (more than 30 kb). If the number of nucleotides in the insertion/deletion is not divisible by three, and occurs in a protein coding region, it is also named frameshift mutation.


Structural variant (preferred)/genomic rearrangement.

Changes in the orientation, location or number of copies of segments of genomic DNA. Usually refers to DNA segments of ~1 kbp or larger and includes inversions, translocations, deletions and duplications.


Copy number variation (germline)

Usually refers to germline copy number variants that contribute towards inter-individual genomic variability and may predispose to various inherited medical disorders. Copy number variation typically consists of deletions or variable number of copies of duplicated DNA segments that may contain as few as two to three nucleotides or entire genes.


Copy number alteration (somatic)

Defines a change in copy number that has arisen in somatic cells including cancer cells. Encompasses gains and losses of chromosomal segments or whole chromosomes/chromosome arms in addition to high-level amplifications and focal deletions.


Gene amplification

A copy number increase of a restricted chromosomal region. Amplification is sometimes defined as a magnitude of gain that is more than twice the cancer ploidy and in some cancers amplicons may contain tens or hundreds of copies of an oncogene. Possible mechanisms generating amplification include extra-replication and recombination, breakage-fusion bridge cycles, double rolling-circle replication, and replication fork stalling and template switching.


Copy number gain

Gain of a chromosomal segment or even whole chromosome/chromosome arm resulting in a regional copy number that exceeds the background genome ploidy.


Homozygous deletion

Bi-allelic loss of a segment of DNA arising through independent overlapping deletions involving both chromosomes.In contrast to heterozygous deletions where a single allele is deleted.


Tumour characteristics


Intra-tumour heterogeneity

The coexistence, within an individual cancer, of multiple sub-clonal populations of cancer cells that differ in their genomic, epigenomic, transcriptional, morphological or behavioural features. Intratumour heterogeneity includes ‘temporal heterogeneity’ whereby sub-clonal structure varies over time (including during treatment exposure) and ‘spatial heterogeneity’ whereby cancer sub-clones can show spatial variegation within a single primary tumour or metastatic deposit, between a primary tumour and metastatic deposit(s) or between multiple metastatic deposits.


Inter-tumour heterogeneity

Genomic, epigenomic, transcriptional, pathological or clinical differences between individuals’ cancers.


Clonal evolution.
The mechanism by which a cancer develops from a once normal cell, through a reiterative process of mutation accumulation, clonal selection and clonal expansion. Mutation accumulation may be gradual and/or occur in a punctuated fashion.

Cancer clone.
Cancer cells derived from the same ancestral cell. Clonally related cancer cells share all somaticmutations that were present within the most recent common ancestor—a term that refers to the last cell that is inferred to have existed during cancer evolution before sub-clonal diversification.
Cancer sub-clone
The progeny of a mutant cell arising within a cancer clone. What distinguishes a cancer sub-clone from the cancer clone is that only a fraction of the cancer cells present in the tumour derive from the ancestral cell of a sub-clone.
Circulating tumour cells
Cells that have been shed from a tumour into body fluids (i.e. blood, cerebrospinal fluid) and can provide information about the molecular characteristics of the tumour of the patient.


Cell free circulating tumour DNA.
DNA derived from tumour cells that is found extracellular, circulating in bodily fluids (i.e. blood, cerebrospinal fluid) that can provide information about the molecular characteristics of the tumour of the patient.

Extracellular vesicles
Cell-derived nano-sized vesicles generated by cell membrane shedding or vesicle exocytosis that carry tumour-derived nucleic acids and proteins and can provide information about the molecular characteristics of the tumour of
the patient.


Clinical trials and statistics


Basket trial
Biomarker-based, randomised or non-randomised clinical trial that includes multiple histologies investigating a therapeutic intervention, such as a drug or a drug combination targeting a specific molecular aberration across different cancer types. An example is a clinical trial of the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib in multiple non-melanoma cancer types all harbouring  BRAF V600 mutations [13]. Within the context of a basket trial, sub-baskets can be stratified by histology.


Umbrella trial
Biomarker-based, randomised or nonrandomised clinical trial that is histology-specific investigating different therapeutic interventions, such as different drugs or drug combinations, matched to different molecular aberrations in a single cancer type. An example is the FOCUS4 trial in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer that investigates multiple systemic therapies matched to specific molecular aberrations (EudraCT number: 2012-005111-12).


Adaptive trial
Clinical trial that includes a prospectively planned opportunity for modification of one or more specified aspects of the study design and hypotheses based on analysis of data (usually interim data) from subjects in the study. Analyses of the accumulating study data are carried out at prospectively planned time points within the study, can be carried out in a fully blinded manner or in an unblinded manner, and can occur with or without formal statistical hypothesis testing. An example is the I-SPY2 trial evaluating different neoadjuvant systemic regimens of novel agents in breast cancer (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/ NCT01042379) (20 October 2017, date last accessed).

N-of-one trial
Clinical trial of a single subject investigating a specific therapeutic intervention, such as a drug or a drug combination.

Spider plot

A spider plot is a graphical representation of the longitudinal percent change from baseline in the sum of typically RECIST-based tumour measurements over the period of subject evaluation, in which a leg of the spider corresponds to a study subject. The time points corresponding to appearances of new lesions can be highlighted by particular symbols.

Circos plot

A circos plot is a circular figure that can be used to represent molecular aberration data, in which genomic positions are depicted as ribbons. Each ring corresponds to the molecular data of a patient sorted by the genomic positions. Different types of molecular aberrations can be depicted on different layers of the circle. They can be drawn for genome-wide aberrations or only in more selected genome regions such as a chromosome.

Waterfall plot

A waterfall plot is a figure that displays the maximum percent change from baseline in the sum of the diameters o target lesions of the patients included in a study as measured by RECIST 1.1 or other criteria. To calculate the change from baseline in the target lesion diameter, patients need to have had measurable disease at baseline and a post-baseline measurement. Different colours are often used to highlight particular response categories or other characteristics.


Research tools


Liquid biopsy
Fluid biological samples (i.e. blood, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, saliva) that contain markers (i.e. circulating cells, cell-free circulating DNA, RNA, miRNA, proteins) that can provide information about the molecular characteristics of the tumour of the patient.


Patient-derived xenograft models
Animal model where derived clinical tumour specimens are implanted in immuno-deficient mice (or other preclinical animal species).

Orthotopic animal models
Animal model where derived clinical tumour specimens are implanted in immuno-deficient mice (or other preclinical animal species) in the same anatomical location where the tumour from the patient was extracted.


Humanised animal mode
Animal model where derived clinical tumour specimens are implanted in immuno-deficient mice (or other preclinical animal species) in which elements of the human immune system have been reconstituted.


Tumouroids (tumour organoids)
Cell cultures where derived clinical tumour specimens are cultured in vitro generating three dimensional molecular structures that can be passaged over time and that maintain some of the molecular characteristics of the original tumour. Tumouroids can be cultured from multiple cell lines (for example epithelial and stromal cells) to help mimic multicellular interactions within tumours.


Primary cultures
Cell cultures where derived clinical tumour specimens are freshly cultured in vitro for a few passages.
Organotypic cultures
Tissue cultures where derived clinical tumour specimens are sliced preserving the tissue structure and intratumour heterogeneity and cultured for short periods of time.

Syngenic animal models
Animal model where patient-derived tumour specimens from mice (or other preclinical animal species) are implanted in the same immuno-competent strain of mice where the tumour was originated.

来源:Dr. fIndi 精准医疗


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